Beyond the frown

Ponsonby News asked Plastic Surgeon Stephen Gilbert about the use of Botox over time.

Yes, my clinical co-ordinator Angela Frazer and I were asked by the American manufacturer, Allergan, to start using Botox in 1998 so they could develop its use in cosmetic, non-surgical practices.

Some people have come to love Botox for it’s rejuvenating qualities to the face. Why is it so popular?
It’s an almost instant fix to ageing and can be customised to give the appropriate look for either men or women. With a few light pricks of a needle the muscles in our frown or around the eyes can be relaxed. In a matter of days we are far less wrinkled looking. Our frown appears rested and our children and colleagues no longer think we are constantly angry with them. Brows can be subtly realigned to gain symmetry. The corners of the mouth can be lifted to correct downward turned edges.

It can also be life changing. Some people rely on Botox to keep underarm sweat controlled. Men and women in stressful jobs, those undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy, and those playing a lot of sport come to mind. All see the benefit of reducing the look and smell of sweat on their clothes.

Yet how many of us knew that Botox is being used to do a range of other treatments?
Yes, these are called off-label treatments and should only be performed when necessary and by an experienced injector who has an aesthetic eye and a deep and exact knowledge of anatomy.

The muscles in the jaw (masseters) can be reduced in size to slim the face from a square to more of an oval and can be quite beautiful. People who grind their teeth at night benefit from the treatment as the muscles are weakened, making grinding less easy to do. Turkey necks where the muscle bands that run vertically down start to stand out and look aged can be made less prominent. Severe migranes can be relieved in some cases by administering Botox every 12 weeks into areas in the forehead, temples and back of neck. Very sweaty palms and feet can be reduced to a normal level but I recommend that people only see a doctor experienced in successfully treating these areas as the anatomy is so complex in hands and feet.

Any trends in the use of Botox?
There is a trend towards soft touch Botox for 20 to 30-year-olds who are not yet showing defined lines and want to keep it that way. Common concerns are (1) inheriting their parent’s permanently etched scowl and (2) creating deep wrinkles at an early age due to the way they laugh, smile, frown, talk. In both cases the amount of Botox used is very small and allows the muscles to move without creating permanent lines.

How would I look with Botox?
Great. Men needn’t be concerned about being feminised by Botox, unless they wish to be. Skilled injectors are used to sculpting male faces into a stronger, more youthful version of yourself. Jaws can be made tighter and chins can be squared. Brows are made straight and strong. Frowns are lessened and for some not totally removed - the thought being that a few lines show wisdom, too many lines show worry.

Stephen Gilbert (Plastic Surgeon) and Angela Frazer (RN) have been using Botox cosmetically since 1998 with the approval of Allergan. Allergan is the manufacturer of Botox.

Botox disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a specific health problem you should seek advise from an appropriate registered health care provider.

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