Emptying street bins, chemical spraying and Grey Lynn Pump Track

One of the most basic functions we all want to see council get right is emptying street bins. It may seem a small matter but it can become an unnecessary irritation and often a hazard.

After following up on complaints, our new Senior Maintenance Coordinator ensured the bin was replaced and emptying frequency increased. This kind of response should be what we can expect under new multi-million dollar maintenance contracts, which took effect on 1 July. A key change to maintenance contracts is that the majority of service levels will now be outcome based, eg, "rubbish bins shall not exceed the bin’s capacity and items shall not overflow," as opposed to services that were previously prescriptive or frequency based, eg, "rubbish bins are emptied once a week".

Under the new contracts, we are looking forward to trialling innovative approaches to maintenance, such as smart street bins that compact waste, and we will continue supporting volunteer-led initiatives that beautify our community.

It is too early to judge whether the new contractual arrangements are a success, but the signs are positive that we can look forward to local maintenance services that are more streamlined, that respond to local requirements with improved outcomes and better value for money. Maintenance issues can be logged by contacting the council call centre on T: 09 301 0101.

Chemical spraying
We share concerns about sprays used for controlling weeds in parks and for street maintenance. The board has been advocating to secure a regional budget to cover the costs of minimising or eliminating, when possible, the use of agri-chemicals in accordance with the council’s Weed Management Policy.

The new contractors are required to adopt an agri-chemical minimisation approach and reduce the amount used year on year. As a first step, all path edging in parks will now be mechanical.

Street maintenance remains with Auckland Transport’s contractor for another year, using a product called Biosafe. You can register on the No Spray Register via the Auckland Transport website (at.govt.nz/asset-maintenance/weed-spreying/no-spray-register). This register allows you to take over the control weeds on your street frontage. We’ve made sure that sensitive locations such as the Pollinator Park are on the register.

Grey Lynn Pump Track for bikes and skateboards only
The pump track in Grey Lynn park has been a huge success since it opened at the end of May. Riders of all ages have been enjoying the unlimited lines that cater for all levels of experience. Skateboards and bikes are welcome on the track but please note that it is not suitable for scooters due to the damage scooter wheels cause to the surface. (PIPPA COOM)

Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board: