Westmere Butchery parking – the solution

My suggested solution for all Ponsonby News locals, to help all those businesses being permanently disadvantaged by Auckland Transport's idiot destruction of our local businesses is simple.

When needing to shop from any of the impacted businesses in Pt Chevalier Road, Garnet Road and West End Road, etc, leave someone in your car while you shop and park ON THE CYCLE WAYS!

No cyclists will be disadvantaged, as there simply are so few of them and, guess what, a cycle can just ride around a car, very easily and with much less disruption to their lives than is being inflicted on the rest of the community (ie, the other 99%.

With a passenger still in the car, it cannot safely be towed and I strongly suggest that if the community as a whole just refuses to pay any parking fines imposed, council will simply have to give up and back down!

They can't prosecute 40,000 local residents or ratepayers.

It's time for community outrage to manifest itself and civil disobedience will be the most effective device to bring these idiots at AT to heel.

Roger Hawkins, Herne Bay

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