Letter to the Editor & Simeon Brown

Please endear yourself to every Aucklander by stopping Auckland Transport (AT) from ruining Great North Rd (GNR) as they propose doing - for NO VALID reason.

AT intend wasting at least $28,000,000 by "improving" GNR!

The road is functioning perfectly well as it is! It needs NO additional work at all.

As AT themselves admit there are just 16 "fender benders" a year on average so AT's catch all saying of "safety" cannot possibly justify wasting our hard-earned money on something that doesn't need fixing - because it ain't broke!

If you review the latest AT disaster at Meola Rd and understand that despite public concerns and a total lack of support (except AT funded lobby group Bike Auckland), AT wasted $28,000,000 making Meola Road SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE than it ever was before and AT have ruined one major thoroughfare Meola Road) and will do the same to GNR unless you personally step in Minister and tell them to stop and THEN try to explain to you why they think $28,000,000 on a road that works perfectly well already, needs ANY work at all? and AT are hopelessly out of control Minister and  this bizarre situation must be stopped and questions asked by government of the "bureaucratic elite" who are ruining Auckland and wasting our money.

Please tell Auckland Transport to stop this ruinous project! AT and their "bureaucratic elite" are ignoring the public, destroying our quality of life, imposing their draconian woke ideology on the ratepayers and taxpayers and now deliberately plan to destroy one of the most heavily used, correctly laid out and obviously already efficient thoroughfares in the Auckland City area.

Please do me the courtesy of reading the attached propaganda, understanding that "improvement" to AT means "ruin" to everyone else and then writing to Dean Kimpton - the hideously overpaid CEO of Auckland Transport and require that his team stop this idiot project & change to concentrate on projects that are needed rather than this mindless spending of at least $28,000,000 on a project that is simply wasteful, unneeded and will detract rather than "improve" commuters and local residents experience.

Could you please write and let me know what direct action you will be taking minister?

The public are sick to death of AT and their determination to waste billions of our dollars on unnecessary projects, such as GNR, cycleways, raised pedestrian crossings, traffic lights every 200 metres, bus stops built out into the traffic lanes (what on earth is that about?), and imposing a 30 kmph speed limit!
AT are absolute madness personified

Ps. This money could easily be seed money for the new harbour crossing!

Roger Hawkins, Herne Bay

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