Great North Road improvements - an update from AT

Auckland Transport (AT) is delivering walking, cycling and bus improvements along Great North Road, between Ponsonby Road and Crummer Road. The changes make the street safer for all users, especially those walking or cycling.

Work on this high-priority, transformational project is expected to start in October. Clear evidence shows that we can reduce harm, optimise the speed and efficiency of public transport network, and deliver improvements for businesses. At the same time, we’re improving safety and the road-user experience with road resurfacing, maintenance and intersection upgrades.

We’ll provide more information about what to expect during the construction phase (October 2024 to December 2025) once our construction plans are finalised. We will make every effort to stage and deliver the works with the least disruption possible.

Project benefits

More reliable public transport supported by better facilities
easier, safer travel on foot, by bike or by car
retained road capacity and traffic flow
better access for deliveries
improved amenities and streetscape
support for the growing residential population.

Project background

Great North Road is a major Auckland corridor, carrying large numbers of people in and out of the City Centre. The area is changing, with more residential apartments being built. Around the project’s section of Great North Road, the population is expected to grow approximately 24% by 2031.

Improved access to reliable public transport and safe walking and cycling are key, as many new developments have limited access to private vehicles. By making public transport, walking and cycling safer and more attractive, we can create better-connected communities and give people more options for how they move around the city.

Over the past 5 years (2019 to 2023), there have been 84 collisions. As part of the project, we will address road-user safety with road resurfacing, maintenance and intersection upgrades.
Project timeline

2016: consultation on a cycleway and improvements to Great North Road
2017 to 2021: design development and community engagement (project delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions)
2021: consultation on an updated design
2022: community re-engagement in advance of construction
September 2023 to March 2024: preparatory works (stage 1)
October 2024 to December 2025: main construction (stage 2) expected to start in October.


Preparatory (or enabling) works were completed between September 2023 and March 2024. This phase included creating tree pits, installing ducting and completing stormwater upgrades.

To check the underground terrain and its compatibility our plans, we dug a number of ‘test pits’ in the footpath along the length of the route. This will prevent problems or delays during construction.

For the next phase, we are confirming construction sequencing and traffic-management plans and will share this information before the work begins. We expect traffic management to be similar to the enabling works phase, with 2-way traffic maintained on Great North Road and short-duration closures on side streets as the work progresses.

Street design

The improvements include a protected cycleway, new and better-designed bus stops, pedestrian crossings and new loading zones. These changes will make accessing Great North Road safer and easier, whether by foot, bike, bus or car.

Bus lanes will be extended to cover the entire route, in operation from 7am to 10am and 4pm to 7pm, Monday to Friday. Eight new bus stops will be built, with safe access across the cycleway to a waiting area. Some existing bus stops will be moved, to be closer to pedestrian crossings and improve bus efficiency where stops are currently a short distance from each other.

Raised tables and kerb build-outs on side streets and 2 new signalised pedestrian crossings will improve safety for people moving around Great North Road, including children at local schools. To create space for bus lanes and the cycleway, we’ve removed the flush median along the route, but drivers will still be able to turn right to access side streets and businesses. Great North Road will also be a greener street, with around 60 native trees.

Detailed design

As part of the design process, we assessed all elements from a safety perspective, considering the needs of all road users to ensure that the project is delivered in a pragmatic way. We determined that the signalised crossings on Great North Road (including the 2 new crossings) achieve the desired safety outcome without the need for speed tables. The design remains otherwise unchanged and includes adding raised tables to 23 side-street entrances.


Through consultation with the Great North Road business community, we’ve heard that on-street parking near to shops and businesses is important. Along the 1.65km route, we’ve retained parking where possible but have prioritised safety, accessibility, and the movement of people and goods.

We’ve also worked with businesses to ensure access for deliveries is reflected in the new street design, including the introduction of 5 large loading zones suitable for vehicle transporters.

Since public consultation in 2021, we’ve removed several parking spaces on Great North Road after a review of sightlines showed that cars parked in these spaces obscure visibility for people turning from side streets.

To address this, we are investigating time restrictions and paid parking on side streets. This will offer flexibility in length of stay and make it easier to find a parking space along the corridor. This will not affect existing residential parking zones.

Where installing speed tables and kerb build-outs at side-street entrances affects parking spaces, changing parallel parking to horizonal parking will ensure we retain the same number of spaces.
Trees and planting

Around 60 native trees and landscaping will replace 23 trees being removed to accommodate the new street design. Species to be planted include tītoki, rewarewa, cabbage tree, kānuka, pōhutukawa, horoeka, nikau and kōwhai. Each new tree will include low-level planting around its base. Bus stops and kerb build-outs will also be landscaped with species including rengarenga, maurea, toitoi, coprosma, koromiko and flax.


This project was designed to significantly improve safety along this stretch of road. Between 2014 and 2019, there were 11 serious injuries along the route. There have been 139 recorded crashes in this timeframe, with more than 80% occurring at intersections.

Crashes involving vulnerable road users were clustered around intersections, with 13 crashes involving motorcyclists, 7 crashes involving pedestrians and 7 crashes involving people on bikes.

By installing a cycleway, crossings and raised tables across side streets, the project will make travel safer for everyone, especially vulnerable road users.

Strategic context

Auckland Transport’s strategic network plan, Future Connect, identifies this section of Great North Road as having strategic importance for people walking, cycling, driving and using public transport.

This project also helps deliver on The Auckland Plan. The Plan calls for improving the “safety, personal security and attractiveness of walking and cycling alternatives” and “investing in and integrating public transport and walking and cycling networks to provide convenient and efficient alternatives.”

Public feedback

Consultation was open from March to May of 2021. We received 274 submissions through our online survey, feedback forms and email. We also received 192 data-drops on the social pinpoint platform.

Read more about the original proposal Route 4: Great North Road.

For more information on this project,

T: 09 930 5090

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