Calling all Ponsonby residents!

The Ponsonby Business Association needs YOUR voice to shape our communities’ future. Your insights are invaluable in creating an even better community.

They are conducting a short survey to gather your thoughts and ideas on what makes Ponsonby special and what you'd like to see within the next five years.

This is your chance to contribute to the bigger picture and help them plan for a sustainable, inclusive, and fabulous future.

Click the link to fill out their quick survey and let them know what matters most to you:

#ponsonbynews #iloveponsonby #loveponsonby #ponsonby #auckland #aucklandshippestrip #onlyponsonby #ponsonbyroad #Greylynn #freemansbay #westmere #ponsonby #hernebay #stmarysbay #archhill #coxsbay @followers #followers @everyone #everyone #waitematalocalboard @highlight