Point Chevalier Community Notice

Since the closure of the Pt Chevalier Library, the adjacent park has been popular for undesirable behaviour and there has been a lot of shoplifting.

Concerned about community safety, some locals organised a community meeting at the Bowling Club on 22 January. Locals and guest speakers talked about reviving, “the spirit and safety of the Pt Chev heartland,” in an area that was, “once a vital community hub.”

Attracting more people to an area increases safety. We learnt that reopening the library is not a solution because the repairs are expensive. Another decision was to set up a Residents' Association as neighbourhoods that work together are stronger. Details to follow at next community meeting.

The Police representative asked that all crime be reported as Police presence is proportional to their statistics. There has been a noticeable improvement since then, as Police have regularly visited the area.

Neighbourhood patrols help as a deterrent to bad behaviour and they invited locals to join a local 'Community Patrol’.


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Published: March 2024