Ponsonby Resident Releases Award-Winning Non-Alcoholic Cocktails called Elta Ego with Bioactive Adaptogens to Lift Your Mood.

Elta Ego is an innovative venture founded by Ponsonby resident Paul Duncan. The goal is to help people live healthier, happier lives by consuming less alcohol.

To achieve this vision, Paul created a range of award-winning alcohol-free cocktails that not only taste great but are also low in calories, all-natural, and contain bioactive adaptogens.

These adaptogens help elevate your mood and take the edge off your day, without any of the downsides of alcoholic drinks.

To create Elta Ego, Paul and his like-minded friends embarked on a quest to redefine the social experience for those embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Faced with the all-too-familiar decline in mood and energy during social events, they yearned for a solution that would bridge the gap between the vibrant energy of their alcohol-drinking counterparts and the challenges of staying true to their alcohol-free commitment.

"We were caught in a mental tug-of-war between FOMO and the desire to avoid the aftermath of traditional socializing. We wanted to have a fun evening with our friends but also wake up feeling refreshed, happy, and motivated the next day," says Paul, the founder of Elta Ego.

"We didn't want to settle for unsatisfying alternatives like soda or kombucha. Instead, we craved a drink that tasted, looked, and felt as classy as a cocktail but without any of the downsides of alcohol."

Elta Ego was born out of this vision, a meticulously crafted selection of non-alcoholic cocktails designed to offer more than just a drink. It's an experience—a connection with your "elta ego," your best self. Elta Ego cocktails provide the satisfaction of a premium cocktail without the alcohol. No compromises on taste or experience.

It's the answer to the unsatisfying monotony of traditional alcohol-free options.

Elta Ego prioritizes your health, providing a healthier alternative for those aiming for a well-rounded and energetic lifestyle. What makes Elta Ego unique is the incorporation of bioactive adaptogens.

Scientifically chosen through hundreds of hours of research and testing for an optimal blend, these adaptogens gently lift your mood and help take the edge off your day, enabling you to socialize and connect with your friends who consume alcohol, more healthily.

"We wanted to go beyond just creating a drink; we wanted to create a feeling—a subtle but noticeable lift that brightens up your day," explained Paul. "Our scientific approach ensures that each sip contributes to a confident, content, and present state of mind.”

Elta Ego invites you to be part of a new era in socializing—where vibrant energy, sophistication, and well-being converge so you can enjoy an evening out with your friends and fully enjoy the next day too.

Discover a range of non-alcoholic cocktails in four flavours: Passionfruit Margarita, Mojito, Negroni, and Raspberry and Yuzu G&T. Their Raspberry + Yuzu G&T and Mojito won silver awards at the Outstanding Food Producer Awards 2023, and were the highest-rated alcohol-free brand that entered.

Paul started selling Elta Ego from the Grey Lynn Farmers Market on Sundays.

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Published: February 2024