Ponsonby Park+

The New Civic Space for Ponsonby– February 2024 Update

Ngā mihi o te tau hou, Happy New Year.

Prepare to be excited because 2024 is going to be a significant milestone year for Ponsonby. The long-awaited and much-anticipated new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road (currently a LiquorLand outlet) is scheduled to commence on-site development soon. Detailed design continues while the resource consent is processed. We’re pleased to report that the O’Neill Street safety improvements have been supported by the Waitematā Local Board and AT, and will now be part of the project.

After so many long years of volunteer advocacy work, the Community-Led Design Group is delighted with progress on this exciting project.


The unloved and dilapidated site will be transformed into a beautiful and multi-functional civic space designed by LandLAB. It will provide common ground for the enjoyment and opportunity of everyone. It will be the green heart that Ponsonby has needed for over two decades, with the need for this amenity first identified in 2000. The project is due to be completed in December, so 2024 is truly going to be a transformational year.


The Waitematā Local Board is due to formally approve the final design at their February 20 business meeting. The Community-Led Design Group would like to thank both the current, as well as the many previous iterations of the Waitematā Local Board, for their ongoing support and vision in creating this new public amenity.

We would also like to thank mana whenua and acknowledge their tāria te wā and kaitiakitanga (long-term thinking and guardianship) for the project.

The new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road will be an enduring legacy, not only for the local community and businesses but for our national and international visitors to Ponsonby as well. Future generations will enjoy the shade of the trees we will plant there.

2024 is the year the new civic space finally becomes a reality. Harikoa! (Jennifer Ward)


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February 2024