Auckland Transport Lane Changes

If anyone has recently driven down Ponsonby Road to Newton Road you will have experienced the badly thought out lane changes by Auckland Transport.

We drove down Ponsonby Road on Wednesday and the traffic was backed up beyond Williamson Avenue, which also caused a problem in Williamson Avenue, in that they couldn't turn into Ponsonby due to the backlog of traffic.

AT say the changes were made to:
- Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Expand the cycling network.
- Improve bus trip efficiency.
- Reduce congestion.

The changes certainly don't fit point four. A while ago this single lane to Newton Road was tried and failed, so AT went back to two lanes, so what logical reason could AT apply that this lane change was going to work? Don't bother phoning AT as they won't pass you onto anyone to discuss the change and they only suggest you go to the AT website and lodge a complaint. I hope enough people complain so that AT revert back to two lanes into Newton Road.

Rick Vine

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Published: November 2023