Messini Palace: Third Pop-Up Exhibition @Ponsonby Central

Diary Date: Monday, 30 October - Sunday, 12 November 10am -7.30pm.

Messini Palace (Ngāti Apakura, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngati Mahuta, Ngāti Hikairo, Ngā Puhi) is excited to present her third Pop-Up Exhibition at Ponsonby Central.

As a self-taught contemporary Māori cast artist, Messinis Toi Māori (craft) transcends traditional whakairo rākau (wood carving) through her use of vibrant colours and modern mediums.

Casting in stone originally and spray painting each piece in an unexpected pop of colour, Messini has evolved, also experimenting with the beautiful multidimensional light and colour play that resin offers her art form.

There is a playful urban edginess to her individually handmade pieces which include wall art, small sculpture, light boxes, jewellery and some one off upcycled hand painted denim jackets.

Whakapapa and Iwi play an important role in Messin’s story telling. This show will include some statement pieces that speak to the effects of colonisation on her and her Iwi, Ngāti Apakura.

This is a two-week opportunity to meet with Messini and have a kōrero, so come and say hi and view her latest works!

Ponsonby Central, Shop 8, 136 Ponsonby Road,

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Published: September 2023