NZ Vegetarian Society: World Vegetarian Month 2023

“Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.” Albert Einstein.

With World Vegetarian Day coming up on 1 October, kicking off World Vegetarian Month, this quote resonates more than ever. Now is the time to take action as a community in response to the ever-present effects of climate change.

This year is particularly special, as the NZ Vegetarian Society is celebrating 80 years since its inception in October 1943. From the beginning, officers and members of the NZVS were very active in advocating for the humane treatment of animals and for people to take up a plant-based diet to ensure fewer animals suffered.

Geoffrey Hodson was the founder of the NZVS and its president until the 1970s. Hodson travelled extensively throughout NZ and other countries around the world, giving public talks to hundreds of people about the benefits of a plant-based diet from both the health and humane aspects. 80 years of advocating vegetarianism has seen vegetarianism and veganism get to where it is in NZ today.

“This month is a good opportunity to promote healthy living, sustainability, and kindness to animals. It is important to encourage everyone to see how vegetarian values can help the world. Now more than ever, we have seen the impact human activities have on the environment, we all have a responsibility to create a kinder, healthier world through our choices.” Says Julia Clements, President of the NZ Vegetarian Society.

The NZ Vegetarian Society is starting the October celebrations by encouraging everyone to give plant-based eating a go and start our 21 Day Plant-Based Challenge. Everyone who starts the challenge for the first time in October will receive a free NZVS membership for a year and a Hell Pizza voucher once they complete the challenge!

World Vegetarian Day also marks the opening of the voting stage of the annual Think Kind student competition. The competition promotes animal compassion. It helps young people recognize ways they can help and develop skills that can be used to benefit others.

Voting for the finalists will open to the public on our website from 1 October. The winner of the People's Choice award will win $1,000 for their school to be announced on World Vegan Day 1 November.

This year’s finalists will receive awesome prize packs from our generous sponsors:

For more information, head to the NZVS website.

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Published: September 2023