Ponsonby Spring Market Day is back on Saturday 23 September...
As the Ponsonby Business Associates says, "Spring Market Day is always fun and hopefully, the weather will be kind to us this year.
"The General Collective Market stalls will be set up again opposite Prego and KFC. Our community enjoyed this addition to our line up in May so we’ve decided to invite them back.
"As in past election years, we’ve invited ALL the Auckland Central Political candidates to meet and greet our community at Market Day. Most of them have accepted and will be walking along the street at various times throughout the day.
"Please get involved and start planning for Saturday 23 September 2023.
The General Collective Market at Ponsonby Market Day
"We will be welcoming the ‘General Collective’ Independent Market back again this Market Day. They will set up approximately 25 stalls along the street between Pember Reeves and Franklin Road where there is no retail activity.
"We got great feedback when we trialled this at Market Day in May and the stalls fill the gap along the street to make sure people keep walking along the whole of our Road.
"The General Collective Market adds alternative options to create a vibrant market day atmosphere.
"We will not have any stalls that sell prepared food, coffee or second hand clothing. The stalls will sell a variety of artisan focused merchandise that is unique and of a high standard only."
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Published: September 2023