Melissa Lee: National List MP based in Auckland

What a month it’s been for New Zealand with yet more problems for the Labour, Green and TPM coalition of chaos.

Things are simply not getting better under Labour’s plan to spend rather than invest. It’s clear we cannot trust Labour not to tax and spend their way out of a recession, all the while mismanaging the economy and undertaking colossal wasteful spending including office refurbishments in Wellington, while many families struggle to pull together their mortgages and funds for the weekly shop and power bill. It is morally bankrupt and fiscally reckless.

On the transport front, across New Zealand we have countless kilometres of our State Highway network dotted with potholes from years of underinvestment by this Government to keep our transportation sector moving. Here in Auckland, we all know where the bad spots are in our suburban streets and, of course, we know even more the worst parts of our local highways when our vehicles are dinged and crunched by flying tarmac and road metal.

This has to change so we can get our country moving again. I’m really pleased that National has launched our Pothole Repair Fund policy that will ensure the funding is there to keep us all safe on the roads when National returns to government.

The plan will involve a $500m fund to be established for state highway and local roading repairs with new directives issued to NZTA to double the current rate of roading renewals and halving the standard response rate for pothole repair from 48 to 24 hours. With over 54,000 potholes spanning 1000km of road repair backlog in Auckland alone, the need for action is real.

In other important news, a few weeks ago the National Party held its annual conference in Wellington and I was incredibly privileged to learn that the party had decided to inaugurate a new award, the Foundation Cup for Membership. It was a huge honour to be able to accept this award on behalf of the late Alice Wylie QSM JP, who we lost earlier this year as the last living Foundation Member of the New Zealand National Party from 1936.

And who had been an incredible champion for Mt Albert and wider Auckland communities, and will be remembered for her roles as Deputy Borough Mayor and local Justice of the Peace. Her name will live on at the heart of the Mt Albert community in Alice Wylie Reserve on New North Road.

The election is less than three months away and it’s time to make sure you have enrolled to vote. Every vote will be crucial this election to see New Zealand get back on track and a strong National Government return to office.

At each of the recent public meetings held here in Mt Albert and across New Zealand where I have presented as a guest speaker, the message is clear – New Zealand needs National and wants the crime to end, education back on track in our schools, wait times at hospitals reduced and, above all, confidence that our country’s best years are still ahead.

My electorate and community office at 107 Great South Road, Epsom can help you if you need assistance enrolling or updating your enrolment information. Alternatively, you can directly contact the Electoral Commission (0800 36 76 56) for further details.

Happy August! (MELISSA LEE)

National Member of Parliament. National Spokesperson for Broadcasting & Media| Digital Economy and Communications | Ethnic Communities


Authorised by Melissa Lee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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Published: 31 July 2023