The Erebus Memorial Working Group

The Erebus Memorial Working Group wants to find a solution for the current proposal that is acceptable to the families and the community.

A site that has its own meaning. A site that can develop its own meaning and significance over time, rather than a site which already has a fixed meaning, symbolism or knowing significance. Positive points for relocating to Western Springs Precinct or one of a range of opportunities for relocating:

· The story you want to leave behind.

· Opportunities for families to tell their loved ones’ stories.

· The Ice Phase Recovery Team to tell their stories.

· And the many school children that will visit the National Erebus Memorial Park learning about the Erebus story. This will live on 100 years from now after we are all gone. Yes, in perpetuity.

Step Back. Rethink. Regroup
We need to move forward and find a solution that is acceptable to all parties. A location that is acceptable to the families, the local and wider communities.

Ka ea tetahi raru ma te rapu tonu i nga rongoa
(A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.)

Covid has consolidated the importance of community and what our community represents.

Belonging. Unity. Hold together.

Affirmation on belonging in the community.

Reaffirming the critical value of life.

What has held this kaupapa together?
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom, decency and justice.” Robert F. Kennedy

We welcome your thoughts.

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Erebus Memorial Park Working Group

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