WLB squanders ratepayers’ funds

I walked out of the Waitematā Local Board public meeting in disgust on Tuesday 20 June when funding of $795.72 was granted to the Auckland Centre City Residents Group towards the cost of business cards, flyers, catering and social media advertising for the General Election 2023, ‘Meet the Candidates Event’.

When there’s a Budget with a shortfall that stretched Auckland Council to huge layoffs, selling the ‘family silver’ (airport shares) and threatened real community services, stressing everyone involved, why would these people think it was appropriate to spend Local Government’s ratepayer funds on a Central Government Election event?

FOR: Chair Genevieve Sage, Anahera Rawiri, Richard Northey, Alex Bonham

AGAINST: Sarah Trotman, Deputy Greg Moyle, Allan Matson

This was after the Chair called a fellow board member a liar. Not really the sort of conduct becoming of an elected official. People often blame others for their own shortfalls instead of holding a mirror to themselves.

Gael Baldock community advocate. GaelB@xtra.co.nz

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Published 3 July 2023