Why did Waitematā Local Board vote for an unpopular cycleway?

The Great North Road Cycleway plans from Auckland Transport have been kicked around for a while.

The vote came before the Waitematā Local Board in the February meeting. The 10 minute deputations were filled with cycle lobbyists - as if they had obviously been given the heads up that this was going to be on the agenda before it was released.

None of those who had previously presented to the board, who were against it or who had alternative suggestions were given that advanced warning, so they could only give 5 minute presentations.

That included the Grey Lynn Residents Association, who the WLB had given a $10,000 grant to came up with an alternative design for Great North Road.

The cards were stacked for the cycleway only supported by cycle lobbyists, the minority in the community. Then Councillor Mike Lee conveyed to the meeting the mayor’s opposition to the design.

Wayne Brown biked the route on the wide footpath as was reported in the Herald. Mike also expressed his view of service to deep divisions in community to heal deep rifts - Grey Lynn shopping village are fearful of the next stage through their village.

People had been vocally against a 24/7 bus lane removing car parking and narrowing of entry side street with speed bumps when many are on hills.

Interestingly, both the chair and the City Vision team chose to vote against the recommendations of their area councillor and the mayor, while the C&R members voted with the community and those further up the chain.

James Bryenton

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