Grey Lynn Business Association News

Kia ora koutou! We hope you're all doing well and enjoying these warm autumn days.

We've been up to a lot this past month, and we wanted to share it with you all.

In April, we had the pleasure of hosting Alf Filipaina on a walkabout of Grey Lynn Village to discuss the impact of major crime and explore potential ways that council could assist.

Alf has been appointed by the mayor as his liaison for this and is working closely with council, central government, and the police. We gathered feedback from the community before, during, and after his visit, and he'll be attending one of our upcoming networking events to talk more with our business community.

Speaking of networking events, we held another successful one at Romulus and Remus and we'd like to give a big thanks to the hosts. Our guest speaker was Murray Hill, Manager for Milford Business Association who shared some insights on the benefits of becoming a BID (Business Improvement District).

As you may already know, the Grey Lynn Business Association has started working toward becoming a BID for 2024. Murray shared his experience with the journey that Milford undertook as well as the benefits and strategies they have undertaken since.

Becoming a BID means that association activities are funded through a targeted rate paid by commercial premises owners and businesses in the defined district.

This greater level of funding and surety of that funding allows a Business Association to better organize and support activity that will enhance the community for all types of businesses including hospitality, retail, office, health and wellbeing, and other premises.

While a large part of that funding is focused on promotion to draw more people into the area, there is still a large element of advocacy which falls under the catchment of a BID.

Rather than just relying on the small group of voices we have now, the BID environment gives us an easier path to communicate with all who have ‘skin in the game’ so we can DO more and BE more as a community.

We know it's a lengthy process as it requires us to talk to and canvass the wider GL business community and seek their input and approval, but we’re a dedicated team, committed to sustainability, equity, inclusion, innovation and social change, so we’ll be out there talking to more members in the coming months.

FYI: We hold networking events on the first Wednesday of every month, and we'd love to see you there. Keep an eye out for our email or Facebook post for details on the next event or join the GLBA at

Great North Road
In early April, the Council Transport Committee took a site visit along Great North Road to see for themselves what the AT plan was all about and if they thought it was value for money – and some did it on bikes.

GLBA is keen for the development of GNR, whether this includes a cycleway or not, as more residents and businesses move into the area.

We don’t want this to be just a transit corridor bringing people from the West to the City. We've always wanted more; a sense of place, a revision of the area making it attractive and usable for all.

Our vision is for increased ground-level cafes, eateries, shopping, and services with trees and seating areas – places to linger once you’ve gotten off the bus or places to shop on your way. Bike lane or none, we’d like to see the area developed and we’d love to know your thoughts too.

We're now looking forward to May and our next event, as well as planning for the BID process. We’d love to hear from you if you’re keen to be an advocate in your area or help out in any other way with ideas and feet on the ground.

We're always striving for inclusion and representation for all businesses, celebrating diversity and business innovation, so we're excited about the future of a progressive urban and business environment in Grey Lynn.

Perhaps you should join us for our next event to be part of the conversation. Find out more on our social media pages.

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