For the Love of a Building

Being part of the Leys Institute co-design group has made me reflect on how much our community buildings can hold meaning and affection for those visiting and utilising them.

In 1999, the Ponsonby Community Centre was hit by an arsonist (unsubstantiated legend has it, with a pipe bomb through a window!). It meant a lengthy temporary closure and relocation of the preschool and hirer activities. I wasn’t working here at the time but I can imagine the community felt the loss keenly.

The front of the building, which included the former CAB office (first Citizens Advice Bureau in New Zealand), the centre office, toilets and foyer were all destroyed. The interiors of the original school halls were also destroyed, but much of the kauri framing survived, albeit singed.

However, when it opened again in 2000 the refurbished and expanded entrance foyer and extra toilets and venue hire rooms gave the centre and the community, a new lease of life.
The plans and ideas I have seen for the refurbished and repurposed Leys Institute buildings are amazing. It's going to be a fabulous asset for Ponsonby and an inspiring ‘new lease of life’ to our post-Covid community. Something for us all to look forward to! (Lisa Rogers, Manager)

Ponsonby Community Centre and Ponsy Kids Preschool, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, T: 09 378 1752,

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