Letter to the Editor - Erebus

Finally, the Erebus memorial will be moved. A diverse community of mana whenua, Erebus families, residents, environmentalists, community advocates, everyday people who care passionately about their city and their parks, took on the Crown and the Prime Minister and won.

Yes, it took four years. Yes, it took thousands of hours. Yes, it took resources, energy, tenacity and grit. Yes, it was hard, exhausting, and overwhelming at times. Yes, we were belittled and labeled and personally attacked. But it was worth it.

Make no mistake, the Erebus memorial was never going to succeed in Dove Myer Robinson Park. The Ministry knew that. They knew in 2018 they had made a poor choice of site, but ego and arrogance drove them down a path that let every stakeholder group down.

The weather events were a convenient excuse to cover up a flawed and unreasonable process that had divided and inflicted completely unnecessary hurt on Erebus families, the community and mana whenua.

Aided and abetted by former Waitemata Local Board Chairs Pippa Coom and Richard Northey and Former Mayor Phil Goff, a backroom deal was done that cut out the people who mattered.

The Ministry never consulted, and they should have. The Local Board only consulted, when forced to and even then ignored the feedback. The Ministry never listened to any voice of opposition.

They prioritized a handful of Erebus families who agreed with them and ignored the balance (over 80%). They have operated by bullying and spinning facts to suit a narrative of kindness but the outcome was anything but kind.

The Ombudsman found both Auckland Council and the Ministry wanting. No amount of PR spin from the Ministry’s team can change the facts.

They wasted four years and over $3 million dollars and have nothing to show for it. They have let the Erebus families down. What they have put the community through is unforgiveable.

However, in every battle there are lessons - here are the lessons for the community:
1. When communities stand united, anything is possible.
2. Your parks, your community, the things you value are always worth fighting for.
3. If you see something that lacks integrity and do nothing, then you become like it. Stand up for what is right, always.
4. If you are principled and act accordingly, the right outcome will come, no matter how long it takes.
5. You can disagree with those who stand beside you on other matters, but you need to stand united on what matters.
6. The OIA is a fabulous tool, that anyone can use and its worth learning how. Democracy services at Auckland Council are incredibly helpful, reach out and use them.
7. Our parks and our shared spaces are treasures that once gone, can never be replaced. Fight to keep them open, shared and joyful.
8. A good cause always attracts good people and we have been blessed with the very best.
9. Sarah Trotman is an outstanding human being and her support for her community is the stuff of legends.
10. Always vote for those who will stand with the community, irrespective of the political party but for all our sake’s, VOTE.

We live in a world where spin and PR dictate so much of what we read and hear and therefore believe.

The Ponsonby news has always stood strongly for the community.

Thank you, Martin, and the team, for backing us, even if the fight was across town, we always felt like we were part of your community. You stepped into the breach when we sadly lost our local magazine, the Hobson and we will be forever grateful.

Anne Coney and Jo Malcolm


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FROM THE EDITOR: Finally commonsense prevails...we'd love to have the memorial next to the Motat aviation hall - that site makes so much sense!