"It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we have come to the decision to permanently close Archies.
"We were not able to come to an agreement with our landlord. The increase in future rent means we can no longer financially sustain the business.
"After surviving the Covid pandemic and what felt like endless lockdowns, we never would have thought that this would be the reason we have to shut our doors.
"Over the past 5 years we have been so blessed to have met so many wonderful people that we not only call our friends but a part of our family. Taking the plunge to own Archies has been on my bucket list, and to be able to tick this off and having my supportive wife Jenny be by my side has made this journey one that I will treasure.
"Thank you to our wonderful staff past and present for being such an integral part of our business and for helping us provide a welcoming experience for our customers. We always worked well in such limited space.
"When I first started, we had an average of 10 customers each day, but I saw the potential and had a vision. Now present day, Archies has become a community hub, it’s a dream come true. Many of you have said that it’s like the show Cheers “Where everybody knows your name” and Jenny and myself are “Always glad you came”. You all are the reason I get out bed. Seeing you guys everyday makes it worthwhile to come into work.
"It has been amazing to be able to see your children grow up whether it be a new born or a young adult. Seeing families grow has brought us so much joy and happiness. Thank you for allowing us to feed treats to your fur babies, it’s a highlight of our day.
"It has been our pleasure and honour to serve the Ponsonby community. As a small family operated business we thank you for your guidance and support throughout the years.
"Our final trading day will be Wednesday 10 May 2023.
"We will be selling our equipment and furniture so if you are interested in a piece of Archie history, please let us know."
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