A response to Wayne Brown's column

A lot of bizarre statements are directed at cyclists and the latest from Wayne Brown is surely one of them.

I quote: “It seems that climate change is here so we need to actually prepare our city for it. Vain attempts to fend it off with hopeful cycling projects are probably a bit late now”. Wars have always been about territory and the vehicle drivers against cyclists battle is no different.

When I came to Auckland in 1982 from the UK, I brought a bike with me and used it for commuting. This was considered very odd, as cycling at that time, was mainly for children or sports people.

There was plenty of room on the road though for everyone. No need to be anti-cycling at that time as drivers didn’t need to defend their territory. Hazards in the early 80s for the cyclist were things like unrestrained dogs on the back of comparatively small utes taking a lunge at you as they drove past, and drunk drivers weaving on the road.

Fast forward and we have thousands of double cab utes in the city. They overflow parking spaces, block sightlines and damage roading. A giant SUV is now a family car. This is ‘normalised absurdity’ as someone so aptly remarked.

Cyclists would like to feel safe and need some space. The idea that motorists should relinquish some space to more vulnerable road users makes many of them irrationally angry. Climate change requires many shifts in our lifestyles; allowing adults and children to cycle safely is just one small but important part of sustainable living.

Please Wayne Brown, stop pandering to a small but vociferous section of your supporters with meaningless statements like this.

Barbara Grace, Grey Lynn

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