Choices for Leys Institute Library Restoration

Auckland Council is now asking for consultation on two options for the restoration of the Leys Institute and Friends of Leys Institute urge you all to register your preference for the heritage buildings.

There is a very good display with full concept plans at the Little Leys Library, along with consultation forms to take away. Council is also doing a letterbox drop in the local area.

Option 1, which was developed by the Project Advisory Group, including several community representatives, will make the building flexible for future community needs. It will also restore original heritage features and open up heritage parts of the building that haven’t been available to the public.

Option 2, which had no community input, is cheaper, but inferior in terms of heritage values.

You have until 1 December to express your opinion and Friends of Leys Institute encourage you to take this opportunity. You can also comment online at:

Helen Geary, Friends of Leys Institute Co-ordinator, 021 208 7490,

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