Sometimes, bigger is better - Four reasons why stocking up makes sense

When it comes to saving the planet (and money) it’s tempting to think that thinking small is the only way to go.

Sure, it makes sense when it comes to houses, journeys and cars. But there are some things, like household consumables, where big is brilliant.

Here are four reasons why you might want to up your bulk buying game.

1. Less packaging
Ever noticed how much of a cereal packet’s contents is air? Hint: it’s a lot. When you consider that most companies package their goods to look as large as possible on-shelf (to trick consumers into thinking they’re getting better value) you begin to understand how much excess packaging is created every day. With bulk buying, you’re eliminating a whole lot of excess packaging and that’s a big step in the right direction when it comes to protecting the environment.

2. Less shopping
It sounds obvious, but if you buy in bulk, you make less trips to the supermarket. This doesn’t just slash your petrol usage, it also cuts down your impulse buys which helps to combat consumerism and keep your household budget on track. And when it comes to non-perishable goods, once you’ve found a tried and tested favourite, there’s no reason not to buy it in bigger quantities, because it won’t go off if you don’t use it within a short timeframe.

3. More savings
There’s a reason smaller quantities of product cost more - it’s called “economies of scale”. The basic theory is that the bigger quantity you’re making, the less it costs to make it. This is as true of packing and packaging as it is anything else and it can make up a large percentage of the overall cost of a product. At the end of the day, it costs less to measure and package a large quantity than it does lots of smaller quantities. These savings can really add up if you adopt bulk buying as a new way of shopping in your home.

4. More of what you want
Got a favourite product? It makes sense to buy a job-lot of it because there’s always a chance that the next time you go to the supermarket it will be sold out. In this age of panic buying and disrupted supply chains, you can never take availability for granted. Buying in bulk might be a big up-front expense, but it means you’re done and dusted for a much longer period of time.

We offer many of our best selling Home and Body Care products in large formats to help protect the environment and save you money. You can order these online if you have space for your own refillery at home. And if not, we offer refilling options in more than 60 locations around
New Zealand.

Check out the locations of our refill stations,

ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 8477,