Re-Dental: great oral health for locals

“Good oral health plays a vital role in your general health and well-being,” says Dr Elizabeth Kim at Re-Dental based on the corner of Ponsonby and Jervois Roads.

“This is why I have decided to start a new journey to open a dental clinic after several years of working at multiple private practices since graduating Otago University. I wanted to create a soothing environment that will make you feel like you are on a treat rather than at the dentist, hence you will enjoy looking after your oral health.

“I enjoy performing cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate people's smiles. I have changed hundreds of smiles over the past eight years, which I find most rewarding as it helps people not only to achieve a beautiful smile but also boosts their confidence and helps overcome dental anxiety, all of which brings about a healthy lifestyle.”

How do you get patients to trust you and your recommendations?
We will listen to your concerns, show the photos and X-rays and talk you through the treatment plan so you understand what's happening before, during and at the end of the treatment.

Each patient is treated with respect and provided oral health care on a level that we would provide our closest family members. We strive to create a beautiful and healthy smile by conserving natural teeth with biomimetic dentistry prioritising the health of your teeth and gum. We will restore and protect the teeth with modern, advanced and scientific evidence-based treatments, and we will help your mouth stay healthy for a long time.

What tips do you give to your patients to help them develop better dental hygiene?
Taking care of your oral health is an investment in your overall health in different dimensions of wellness - physically and emotionally. Oral health influences how we react through facial expressions, speech, and smiles and these factors directly impact the emotional dimension of wellness, as oral health connects to how we express and feel about ourselves.

Preventing any oral disease is key to good oral health:

1. Brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if bristles are splayed or worn.

2. Cleaning between teeth with dental floss or interdental brushes is a vital part of daily oral care and will help improve gum health.

3. Maintain good general health, healthy habits, good diet and exercise.

4. Have regular visits for an oral health assessment at your dentist - recommended at least 6-12 monthly. Regular professional monitoring and cleaning are critical for prevention, which is the most effective and inexpensive way to look after your oral health.

“We look forward to your visit and enjoy your experience at the re·dental clinic.”

RE-DENTAL, 1 Jervois Road, T: 09 600 1739,

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