Ponsy Kids Preschool – the fun never stops!

Tamariki get to experience so many different things while at Ponsy Kids Preschool.

Along with art and crafts, storytime, building blocks and carpentry, the sandpit, climbing boxes and water play, we have extra interactive programming happening throughout the year. One of our regular experiences is Snow Day – real snow is trucked in for the children to play in!

Other events include Music Man Antonio, who comes to sing and play instruments every Thursday, and Coach Kylie, who comes every Friday to teach different sports. We also had some scientists visit to do some experiments with us recently!

We love to celebrate everything that makes Aotearoa special by creating activities for events like the Commonwealth Games, Matariki and the Chinese New Year.

Surprise visits from superheroes are also par for the course…

Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, T: 09 378 1752, www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz

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