Honour Mitchell: My Double Line Debacle - Yes, I have COVID-19...

Over the past two years the infamous Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed our society, altered the way we live our lives and has caused so much pain and suffering around the world.

I have to say it was somewhat of a relief to find that I hadn’t simply come down with a cold and I was destined to wrestle with Covid-19 at a later date. Also, it was nice to know that once recovered from the virus, there would be no more isolating for at least three months and I wouldn’t have to face the prospect of missing out on something really important, like my upcoming school ball. Another redeeming feature of my experience was that my family all came down with it together so we were able to support each other and keep each other company while shut off from the world.

Nevertheless, a week is a reasonable chunk of time to “lie low”. Hence, I needed a few plans to make the experience more enjoyable.

Honestly, the cure to getting through sickness often is binge watching a great TV series. It not only keeps your mind off what you are feeling at the time, but also provides you with some entertainment and hopefully a few laughs. In the autumn months I usually re-watch the classic "Gilmore Girls". A show that is so comforting it makes you instantly relax, cuddle up with a cup of tea and grab a fluffy blanket. For those not in the know, it follows a mother (who fell pregnant as a teenager) and her 16 year old daughter navigating the daily struggles and perks of living in a small town. I encourage you to jump on Netflix and give this drama/comedy a go if you're feeling a bit under the weather.

It gives you a chance to de-stress, and I promise that you will become emotionally attached to the characters. Another great series to binge watch if you like excitement and glamour is: "Selling Sunset". This TV programme follows Los Angeles real estate agents selling multi-million dollar homes, all while keeping it fashionable and dramatic. It's shows like these that really helped me forget about being sick and not lose my mind to boredom. In fact, the "Selling Sunset" spree became something of a family-bonding bender. The catfights, the clothes, and the luxurious LA landscapes kept us mesmerised and running for a seat on the couch.

Whilst I was stuck at home I often felt desperate for fresh air. Once I was up to it, I decided to go for calming walks (don’t worry, I avoided all people and this type of exercise is actually encouraged by the MoH). Some days I would just go around the block, and others I would walk a bit further. These jaunts gave my body some necessary action and I was also able to take in my surroundings. Ponsonby is filled with so many beautiful, leafy streets which are compellingly picturesque during the autumnal months. I just had to take advantage of all this free time! So as the morning sun seeped through the coppery, orange foliage, I put in my earphones and attempted to hike off my malaise.

In the end I feel the real remedy for Covid-19 was sleep. It may be stating the obvious, but allowing yourself to have at least one nap a day was highly beneficial. Get yourself all cozy and let your head sink deep into the pillow and hey presto - a dreamy, slumber engulfs you. Actually, I became quite a pro, napping all over the place: on the couch, outside with the warm sun on my face, by the fireplace and obviously in my bed. Even though I was barely doing anything, frankly, I was exhausted. Anyhow, I’m done for now and back to normal life. For those currently down with the dreaded virus, wishing you a speedy recovery! (HONOUR MITCHELL)

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