Leys institute project advisory group meets

The Leys Institute Project Advisory Group, initiated by Auckland Council and consisting of council and library staff, representatives of community organisations and local residents’ groups, along with heritage architects and a Leys family member, met twice late last year.

After the Christmas and January summer break the third meeting was held online last week.

The first three meetings have been online, but we hope to have the next meeting on 3 March in the grounds of the library courtyard, to gain some understanding of the site and place.

So far, the meetings have explored the history of the land prior to European settlement, the Leys family and the history of the buildings from 1905 until the present day. The group has also examined the purpose of libraries in the community and where the future needs lie for libraries and community services.

This latest meeting looked at the significance of Te Ao Maori to the project; the impact of technology today and how to future-proof the facility and services; what sort and scope of spaces are needed; financial implications for the project; and the all-important community connections.

These discussions inform the brief to heritage architect Antony Matthews, who will present concept plans at the next meeting. These will be refined by the Project Advisory Group to produce plans which will then be shared for community consultation and feedback.

Meanwhile, considerable work has been underway to get the seismic strengthening work ready. It’s understood that council has funding available for the seismic work to proceed, once the detailed plans for the building’s restoration are finalised.

The Advisory Group has expressed concern about the present state of the buildings and the lack of maintenance, so is sending a formal resolution to council to request maintenance be undertaken immediately.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of Friends of Leys Institute can email co-ordinator Helen Geary at heleng@maxnet.co.nz, and follow the Friends of Leys Institute Facebook page. PN

LEYS INSTITUTE LITTLE LIBRARY, 14 Jervois Road, T: 09 377 0209, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz

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Published 4 March 2022