Leys Institute Update: Good and Bad

First the bad news: the back of the Leys Institute Gymnasium was comprehensively graffitied in Level 3 lockdown in early November.

Thanks to the efforts of Local Board member Adriana Christie it was removed reasonably promptly.

But it’s a worrying precedent – as the Leys Library and Gymnasium have been shut up and vacant for nearly two years now, they are possibly being seen as derelict and a target for vandalism. It is hoped that council maintenance staff are constantly checking the buildings.

The good news is that the steering group looking at the future of the Leys Institute has now been established. Members of the group include Local Board chairperson Richard Northey, Leys librarian Chloe Fryer, Helen Geary from Friends of Leys Institute, a member of the Leys family, representatives from St Mary’s Bay, Herne Bay and Freeman’s Bay residents’ associations, along with several other community representatives, mana whenua and council staff.

Also joining the group are conservation architects Robin Byron of Heritage New Zealand and Antony Matthews, who has a long history with the buildings, going back over 20 years.

The group will meet with a series of five hui, starting in early December, through to early March. They will cover the history and current state of the Leys buildings, looking at the opportunities present, commencing concept designs and providing feedback on draft designs.

Friends of Leys Institute would like to be able to represent the views of its 225 members, so this is your opportunity to have your say on how you wish the buildings to be utilised and upgraded.

Please do send in your thoughts and ideas for the future of the Leys Library and Gymnasium to the email address below:

Helen Geary, Friends of Leys Institute Co-ordinator, heleng@maxnet.co.nz, 021 208 7490

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Published 3 December 2021