Elaiasalata goes really well with pasta!

A quick and easy dinner that will bring joy to family and friends and that just happens to be vegan.

The Elaiasalata goes really well with pasta. For a super quick meal, simply cook some pasta and add a spoonful of Elaiasalata. Delicious, child-friendly and super quick and easy.

If you want to push the boat out and impress the whanau then use fresh pasta and add some caramelised onions, and any other vegetables you have to hand. To really wow the judges, serve with a fresh Fattoush salad.

We had some friends round for dinner recently (recent by lockdown standards at least). These particularly friends have been vegan for many years and were particularly excited to try the Elaiasalata served with pasta rather than just enjoying it with some pre-dinner nibbles on a platter.

The recipe below serves 3-4, so feel free to adjust as required. A decent spoonful of Elaiasalata weighs about 40-50g,
so a 200g pot of Elysian's vegan olive dip should cater for 4-5 people.

· 400-600g fresh pasta - homemade or store bought
· 200g pot of Elysian Elaiasalata
· 1 x large onion
· 1 x red capiscum (or a carrot if capsicum isn't to hand)
· 100-150g fresh brown mushrooms (if available)

1. Prepare the vegetables
Slice onion and caramelise. Thinly slice the red pepper and add to the onions when they're nearly done.

In a separate saucepan, melt a knob of butter and add the mushrooms (washed and sliced) and cook for a few minutes until softened. Keep them separate until you plate up.

2. Cook the pasta
While the vegetables are cooking, cook the pasta (best to follow the instructions on the packet if you're not sure about this step)

3. Serve up
Place the pasta in a bowl, top with the caramelised onions/capsicum and mushrooms. Add a good spoonful of Elaiasalata and hey presto, dinner is served.

For some extra colour and goodness, serve with a delicious Fattoush salad.


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Published 1 October 2021