Tadhg Stopford: Sexy Hemp: Stanford University School of Medicine

It's winter! I hope that this finds you well and happy with life.

Did you know that hemp/cannabis can lower inhibitions, increase your libido, decrease your anxiety, and increase your perception of pleasure?

This can greatly aid healthy sexual relationships, according to Stanford University School Of Medicine, with evidence from 50,000 Americans recently proving that cannabis improves sexual function.

"I am definitely hornier with hemp/cannabis. It really makes my sex drive better," says health care professional 'Amanda'. Finding hemp/cannabis improved her libido, orgasm, and reduced pain was a bonus, because 'Amanda' was only looking to improve her sleep and appetite.

"Frequent hemp/cannabis use doesn't seem to impair sexual motivation or performance. If anything, it's associated with increased coital frequency," says Michael Eisenberg MD, assistant professor of Urology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

More specifically, people who use cannabis have about 20% more sex than those who don't.


In women, sexual function is improved; including prolonged and multiple orgasms, with regular connoisseurs having twice the likelihood of a ‘satisfying orgasm’.

Non cannabis using men were more likely to reach orgasm too quickly, too slowly, or not at all.

Anecdotally, just between you and me - both hemp (low THC) and cannabis (high THC) have been celebrated for thousands of years as aphrodisiacs. For centuries it has also been a well established treatment for impotence and erectile dysfunction in Africa. A herbal viagra if you will.


Most of New Zealand thinks it should be decriminalised, and the benefits of supporting your cannabinoid system far exceed the horizontal rhumba. Why don’t you grow your own? (TADHG STOPFORD)


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Published 6 August 2021