Tadhg Stopford: Hemp/CannabisSativa - the queen of vegetables

Here’s the thing, despite what you may think, Hemp/Cannabis Sativa is the Queen of vegetables.

That’s why CBD can help with conditions as diverse as anxiety (anxiolytic) and cancer (antiproliferative), and why it’s a safer, more effective antipsychotic (Leweke et. al, 2012) and anti-epileptic (Cunha et. al, 1980) than pharmaceuticals.

Without even talking about food and fibre for a sustainable future, She (Hemp) is the tree of life, and the healer of nations. That’s why China produces half of the world’s hemp (and patents), and wants 3.2 million acres in production by 2030.

So, why do decent and informed Kiwis in patient groups, the hemp and medical cannabis industries, medical/professional/NGO groups, (and teachers/activists like myself), think that the regulators and politicians are always doing the wrong things to hemp?

CBD was an unregulated molecule in New Zealand until (in 2016) it became (in my opinion; unethically, irrationally, and fraudulently) a controlled drug only available via Ministerial approval.

So, is government always doing the wrong thing? And, if it is always doing the wrong thing (eg. by disabling the world leading legislation given to us by Helen Clark in 2008) why is it doing the wrong things for a known (and important) resource that could help us improve many difficult issues such as healthcare and a sustainable economy? After all, to get it right is simple.

If we want to help our people, and strengthen our economy, we need a sensible, humane, natural products bill, and for Hemp/Cannabis Sativa to be unprohibited as a food. After all, that’s what FSANZ has recommended twice.

So, why can’t we enjoy CBD? Or the nutraceutical benefits of Hemp? Let’s get healthy. Let’s unprohibit hemp as a food. There’s no reason not to, and we are globally abnormal in having prohibited it as food.

Lets unprohibit hemp as food. It’s the right thing to do. (TADHG STOPFORD)


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