Mind health matters

At a time when the mental health of New Zealanders is at a crisis point, we need to talk about stigma.

We know that if addressed early, these difficulties can resolve and provide opportunities for growth, improved quality of life, relationships, parenting and performance at work. And, effective treatments exist. Clinical psychologists apply their expertise using reliable and scientifically supported methods, so you can be confident that you are getting up-to-date and evidence-based treatment.

Unfortunately, the stigma of seeing a clinical psychologist or any mental health practitioner for that matter is alive and well. Dare to declare it, and you might get met with raised eyebrows – “is it that bad?” Things are improving, but we’ve still got a long way to go. Part of the problem is that we still haven’t done enough to reframe the way people think about mental health versus other health issues. We would never leave someone with cancer or diabetes to self-manage, but that’s what many with psychological distress do because they’re too afraid of being judged in some way.

As clinical pyschologists, we want to normalise getting psychological support. It should be no different to going to the physio, chiropractor or osteopath, without feeling the need to sneak in to the therapy room unseen, or lie to our boss about the ‘appointment’ we’re going to each week.

Regardless of whether you’re experiencing a mild stressor or something more significant and longstanding, clinical psychologists strive to support you in being as psychologically healthy as you can be. In the same way that you exercise to keep your body fit, toned and agile, your mind can also benefit from a type of exercise.

Alongside their clinical psychology services, illumen will be running a series of ‘Mind Health’ workshops over the coming months that work in a similar way for your mind. Together with in-house meditation courses, the illumen team work with people to reach and maintain good mental health and wellbeing.

ILLUMEN, 412 Richmond Road, T: 09-973 5187, www.illumen.nz

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