On 14 June 2018, Waitemata Local Board applied for Notified Resource Consent LUC60321424 for 859 Great North Road: "Earthworks and excavation, vegetation alteration and removal to facilitate remove of pine trees from the northern part of Western Springs Lakeside Park"
Here is the link for publicly notified applications on the Auckland Council website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/have-your-say/have-your-say-notified-resource-consent/notified-resource-consent-applications-open-submissions/Pages/default.aspx
Copies of the consent will be available at the Grey Lynn Community Library as well. With regards to the response period, the submission period is 20 working days - which we feel needs to extended by one month.
Please feel free to have your say.
Enquiries to Auckland City Council Planner, Ashwita Murphy 021 731 572