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Susan Frear - Square Inch Functional Furniture

Who is your partner?
John, who is a marketing and sales manager.

Do you have any children?
Two boys, Henry (15) and Oliver (12).

How do you keep fit?
By wishing it be so, and walking hills with the occasional jog back to base.

Your best friend would say of you...
“A loyal friend who really cares about my happiness.”

Your mother would say of you...
“Full of energy and ideas.”

What are your virtues?
Hard working, lots of ideas, kind, interested in people’s wellbeing, organised.

And your vices?
Perfectionist, impatient, easily bored.

Who’s your ultimate rock icon?
More of a jazz, ballad type artist like Norah Jones.

What’s your secret passion?
To be a concert pianist.

What’s your secret talent?
I can walk en pointe on my toes.

Where do you live?
Titirangi - a village vibe much like Ponsonby.

Where do you spend your holidays?
We like to show the kids somewhere different each time - recently we’ve holidayed in the Hokianga, East Coast and Japan.

What were you going to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a doctor until I realised I didn’t like blood, or the responsibility of holding another’s life in my hands.

How did you come to start Square Inch?
Utilising space wisely makes sense when house prices are soaring, so the trend to live in smaller spaces will only increase and is a pragmatic solution. Square Inch believes that with good design and multifunctional furniture you can maximise the function and living out of a space so small doesn’t have to mean less comfortable living or a life full of compromise. This makes sense, and I saw a real need for good quality, functional furniture that does more with less.

If you weren’t doing this you’d be...
A health advocate.

What’s your favourite Ponsonby cafe?
Zus & Zo.

What’s your favourite Ponsonby restaurant?

Your favourite Ponsonby store?
Endemic World.

Favourite Ponsonby fashion label?
Wallace Rose.

Please share your best kept Ponsonby secret?
All the beaches, but my favourite is Tibb’s Beach, quiet and central, your own
private getaway.

What’s inspired you recently?
My New York-based designers. They are into furniture, architecture and amazing collaborative projects. Recently they won first prize in Reshape15: Wearable Technology Competition. Together with University of California PhD students and professors, they designed a sponge suit bikini that absorbs pollutants from the ocean as you swim. I love their innovative ideas and ability to get projects underway with great international networks that give them flexibility.

The tiny living movement - I love the idea that you can make do with less and live a rich full life while keeping a light footprint on the earth. I also like the freedom that comes with downsizing all the stuff we accumulate in our lives. It works through good design and careful thought - an inspiration for Square Inch.

What would be your desert island distractions?
George Clarke’s Amazing Small Spaces.

The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save?
My boys’ memory boxes.

I’d be lost without...
My boys - all three of them, they keep me grounded.

One thing you have learned about life is...
It is never as expected, and the best laid plans need at times to be put aside for you to be able to listen to serendipity.

Your advice to Ponsonby furniture shoppers?
Think about what you want to use your space for, and how with a few simple tweaks it could achieve multiple things. Think ahead and buy versatile pieces that can work in different settings and be added to or altered. Buy quality which will last. Remember to be true to your own tastes, not what current trends dictate.

SQUARE INCH, 54 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 212 8822, www.squareinch.co.nz

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