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House of Travel celebrates 10 years with Hospice New Zealand

Chris Paulsen says it has been extremely gratifying for House of Travel to provide support for an organisation so significant to the community.

“We are proud to have supported hospice locations throughout New Zealand since October 2005. Staff across HOT Holdings and our retail stores have been involved with a number of activities over the years to raise awareness and funds for Hospice
New Zealand,” he says.

“We are committed to the communities within which our people live and work and Hospice is an organisation which touches a great number of Kiwi lives. Hospice’s mission is to help people make the most of their lives and to live every moment in whatever way is important to them - a philosophy we celebrate at House of Travel.”

Attendees at the 10-year celebration included representatives from Mercy Hospice, House of Travel Holdings and representatives from local House of Travel stores.



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