When it comes to bearing the brunt of winter indulgence, the liver probably carries the heaviest load in our body. It detoxifies daily toxins such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar, trans fats, refined foods, unnatural skin care products, medications and pain killers, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, assists with hormone balance and supports our metabolism.
Fortunately the liver has an incredible capacity to multitask. However, if it’s working too hard in one area, it gets out of balance in another.
An overburdened liver can reveal itself in a number of different ways including;
• Sleep and performance
Feeling tired waking up during the night; foggy thinking and poor memory.
• Mood
Irritability; short temper; low mood; feeling sluggish.
• Weight, appetite and physical appearance
Weight gain, especially around midriff; poor appetite in the morning; sugar cravings or cravings for refined carbohydrate foods (pastries, cakes, pasta, bread); cellulite.
• Digestion
Poor ability to digest fatty meals; nausea; bloating; burping; excessive flatulence.
• Premenstrual symptoms, or other hormonal imbalances
The best way to get your weight, moods, sleep, skin and energy back on track is to give your liver a little love! A spring cleanse is a wonderful way to reduce your liver’s workload and strengthen its working capacity.
Top Foods For Your Cleanse
• Go green
Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, watercress and brussel sprouts. These contain compounds that assist the production of the liver’s detoxifying enzymes, improving the liver's capacity to deal with toxins.
• Spring into sulphur
Cruciferous vegetables, eggs, onions, raw garlic, leeks and spring onion are all excellent sources of sulphur compounds.
• Bitter is better
Helps to promote natural detoxification by the liver and reduce cravings for sweet foods. Also stimulates bile flow and the production of digestive enzymes which supports healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Excellent bitter foods for a spring cleanse include rocket, endives, mustard leaf, dandelion greens, kale, turmeric and grapefruit.
• Antioxidants assist liver function and protect it from the potentially damaging after effects of detoxification. Fresh fruits and vegetables, and herbs and spices, provide an abundance of natural antioxidants. Some of the highest-rated antioxidant foods include goji berries, blueberries, raw dark chocolate, rosemary, thyme, turmeric. Catechins found in green tea are also potent antioxidants.
• Get toned Liver-toning herbs such as dandelion root and milk thistle act as digestive bitters and also help to strengthen and tone the liver. Clinical studies have proven the ability of milk thistle to repair liver damage.
Spring into summer - Four-week spring cleanse package
The Holistic Medical Centre is excited to offer you a great deal on our four-week spring cleanse package - $210 includes detox guide and recipes, supported by visits to the naturopaths at the Holistic Medical Centre:
• One hour naturopathic initial consultation for a full personal health assessment
• Two half-hour, follow-up naturopath consultations to guide you through your cleanse
• Three body composition tests, which will assess your body health and composition [during / after] the cleanse
Offer valid until December 24, 2016
There are many benefits of a cleanse but cleansing isn’t about depriving yourself. It’s an opportunity to indulge your body with wonderful nutrients, rid your body of unwanted toxins and give yourself the gift of renewed energy levels and a healthier body and mind.
Andrea Frires is a qualified naturopath, nutritionist and medical herbalist from The Holistic Medical Centre, 48 Ponsonby Road. To make an appointment for a consultation with Andrea or any of the holistic GPs call T: 09 370 0650 or visit www.holisticmedicalcentre.co.nz for more information.