"It's one of the reasons we've recently sold our house. We are moving into something with a bit more space that's a couple of minutes walk to the practice in Three Lamps. Also, I love working in my garden and the new house definitely needs some work and I'm excited about the new project!
"I've been a dentist for nearly 25 years, so there aren't many things that throw me anymore. I've seen about all there is to see when it comes to teeth and the problems people can have with them. So my focus in the practice isn't on the challenges involved in providing treatment for people because that's not something I find too hard anymore.
"My focus - and what I love about my job - is more on getting to know the people themselves. Ponsonby has a really great community made up of a diverse group of people and, having been up at Accent One for 13 years, I feel like a bit of a fixture in our vibrant and eclectic community.
"Modern dentistry is in a massive state of constant change and this is very exciting for the profession. Dentists and dental companies are all working very hard to make things better for our patients. These technological advances and changes to treatment approaches require constant upskilling. Choosing what to invest time and money into in this smorgasbord of options is probably the most challenging aspect of the profession. It's a great problem to have!
"One thing I hear all the time from my new patients about what I do differently is that I take the time to get to know my patients and discuss their treatment needs in ways they understand. There is often more than one solution to any one issue so I try to make the costs, time and advantages and disadvantages of all these options really clear.
"A recent case of this was where a middle aged patient, Bill, had seen another dentist who had told him about some treatment Bill needed. It wasn't that the treatment suggested was wrong but it wasn't the only way to fix the issue. After spending quite some time with the patient we worked out an option that worked for him and his budget. Incidentally Bill wasn't after a cheaper option; it was that he wanted to be more involved in the decision-making process. In the end he chose the more expensive, more durable solution. Interestingly, I find well-informed people often make really good decisions about their dental treatment if everything is discussed with them in a way they understand.
"When I'm not in the practice, I like to be cooking or in the garden. I find both these things calming and restorative.
"My thinking when I see somebody for the first time holds absolutely no judgement. We are simply starting at that point together, so that whatever the person chooses to do after that, once they have all the information, is entirely up to them and I'm happy to support whatever decision they make.” - as told to Ponsonby News.
ACCENT YOUR DENTISTS, 332 Ponsonby Road (Three Lamps), T: 09 376 4374,