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Retail superstar

How did you come to be a retail superstar?
Still a work in progress I think.

What brought you to Glengarry?
The wine, the people, the wine...

What do you love about your store?
The history. This premises has been a Glengarry since 1945. The Jakicevich family has owned and managed a wine store here for 70 years - not many retailers in New Zealand can say that.

What makes a standout retail sales person?
It is a bit of a cliché - but you need to have a real passion for what you are selling and
like people. Patience and attention to detail are useful too.

Tell us about a memorable sale you’ve made this year...
It wasn’t one sale, but Election Day was great fun. It was the biggest Saturday we have had since last Christmas. Our locals love an election; we should do it every year.

If you could wave your hand and have anyone in the world walk into your store right now, who would it be?
That is tricky... but probably Josef Jakicevich (the founder of Glengarry). It would be great to show him what we are doing now - in his shop. I think he would be very happy with the way the wine industry and wine consumers have evolved in New Zealand.

If you could wave your hand and have anyone in greater Ponsonby walk into your store right now, who would it be?
Jacinda, of course.

Where do you enjoy shopping?
Britomart Farmers Market on a Saturday morning. It has everything I need - good quality fish, bacon, eggs and fruit and veggies.

Name someone you think is an outstanding Ponsonby person?
Robert from Ponsonby Barbers on the corner of Jervois Road and St Mary’s Bay Road. He is your classic old-school master barber. He has been there since 1986 and first cut my hair about 20 years ago.

GLENGARRY, 54 Jervois Road, T: 09 378 8555, www.glengarrywines.co.nz

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