Diary Date: Sunday 3 April from 5pm. Come and party in honour of the late great Anna Hoffman, at one of her favourite Auckland haunts - the latest incarnation of Shanghai Lil's, run by her close friends Billy Farnell and Russell Green.
Starring her friends: Murray Haddow, The Beautiful Losers, Wendy Morris, with further acts to be announced. There will be readings from her memoirs 'Tales of Anna Hoffman' as well as opportunities for others to share their memories/other items. If you knew Anna personally or vicariously, come raise a glass.
A lover of drama, pzazz and all that jazz, Anna was a mixer and mingler, a spine tingler. A story teller, a society dweller, Auckland's first marijuana seller? A purple queen, always happy to be seen. One-time femme fatale, all-time boost to morale.
A champion of creativity, of talent and drama, a magpie for jewels, a lover of scandal, involved in a few of her own. She was naughty but terribly nice, never needed to be asked twice, a self-proclaimed witch, spinning a constant web of tales. She observed, embraced and embellished life, in all its guts and glory. So do come and join us. You're part of the story. (JOSIE STANFORD)
SHANGHAI LIL’S, 212 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 0396,