The trust has embarked on a longer-term strategic plan to look for sponsorship, funding and membership. They are also planning a redesign of the gardens and invite ideas and participation. Kelmarna has been struggling since the Framework Trust pulled the plug on funding mental health patients who benefited greatly from the therapeutic gardening experience available at Kelmarna. Although the lease of the land from the Auckland Council is secure, a new source of funding is desperately needed.
However, fortunately the gardens continue to support the mental health community. Around 15 gardeners, who came when Framework managed the gardens, continue to volunteer at Kelmarna. This therapeutic aspect of the gardens is an intrinsic part of Kelmarna. Emerge Aotearoa, another mental health provider, has taken over a plot and its crew comes every week.
The other aspects of health the gardens are there to promote are healthy environments and human physical health. Three classes from Bayfield Primary come every Friday to garden. They learn how to make compost, save and sow seeds, propagate plants, weed, grow edible flowers and make pesto.
When Ponsonby News visited last month a group of strapping young rugby stars was digging away helping to clear space for more planting. The accompanying photo shows two of those young men with manager Adrian Roche. One of them had a surname that made me prick up my ears - Pryor. Was he named after the very good Auckland rep prop of yesteryear, Albie Pryor? Yes he was. Albie Pryor was his grandfather.
This group of Auckland Rugby Academy young guys, managed by Ben Meyer, was doing some community service as part of their overall development creating good men as well as good rugby players. They had along with them Richard Main, Gardens Project Manager for Gardens for Health, and were stressing good nutrition and healthy eating rather than supplements.
This inner city oasis must not be allowed to fail. Adrian Roche’s contract is under threat. He has held the day to day management of Kelmarna together for more than 10 years. Adrian is a peaceful character, not known for flamboyant protest or complaint, and his future is integral to Kelmarna’s future.
Away from the madding crowds of our consumerist, affluent society, lies this calming, peaceful and rejuvenating environment, ready to remove the stress of everyday living and provide nourishing, fresh organic vegetables and fruit.
If anyone knows a corporate looking for a worthy cause to support, let Kelmarna know. In the meantime, hop along to the Autumn Festival and enjoy genuinely good family fun and entertainment. (JOHN ELLIOTT)