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Rare First-Edition Harry Potter Book up for Auction in New Zealand...

Rare First-Edition Harry Potter Book up for Auction in New Zealand...

A very rare, first edition, first state copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Bloomsbury, 1999) is part of Webb’s upcoming auction, The Estate.

Globally, first-edition books from the Potter series have been increasing in value and this particularly rare copy is expected to fetch somewhere between $5,000 – $8,000.

This book was bought in New Zealand in 1999 and has distinct hallmarks which contribute to the estimated auction price.

J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series has gained massive popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success globally. First editions of her books have very quickly become collectable with those that exhibit printing quirks and mistakes that were corrected in subsequent print runs (or later “states”) becoming extra coveted.

Webb’s price records for rare books include a complete set of the Three Official Publications of Cook’s Voyages in First Editions which reached $131,450 (Including BP); a second edition of the same series which sold for $29,875 (Including BP); and a David Hockney SUMO: A Bigger Book which sold for $4,421.50 (Including BP).

The Estate at Webbs, 31D Normandy Road, Mt Eden

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