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It has been just on 60 years since Auckland’s highly successful 72km electric tramway, which carried over 80 million passengers per year, when Auckland’s population was less than 300,000 was terminated, trams bulldozed, lines pulled down and tracks dug up. Aucklanders have been paying dearly for that blunder ever since. Today with
a population of 1.5 million Auckland’s total public transport patronage is still less than what it was in 1956. The long 60 year interregnum also means today’s transport managers, despite being recent converts to light rail, are still coming to terms with the mode - both its strengths and its limitations.

Recently a debate has broken out involving trams (the future use of) to the airport. In this case officialdom (Auckland Transport management) is pushing hard for trams as our future rapid transit option between the downtown CBD and Auckland International Airport. Up until recently there was an agreement between the parties (Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, NZTA, KiwiRail and Auckland International Airport) reached in 2011 to extend the electrified train line from Onehunga to the airport and then eventually southeast to the Main Trunk Line at Puhinui. Work to start sometime in the 2020s.

However, a business case has recently been produced by Auckland Transport indicating a tramway extending from the end of Dominion Road to the airport would be significantly cheaper than the agreed rail option from Onehunga. I have serious reservations about the figures used and some of the assumptions. Without going into detail, probably the most glaring weakness in the ‘business case’ is that electric rail to Onehunga (only 10 km from the airport) actually exists - unlike the Dominion Road tramway which at this stage exists only in the imagination. My concern is that just as with the Quay Street situation where officialdom doesn’t appear to ‘get’ the potential benefits of light rail - the airport debate suggests it also may not understand its limitations.

Let’s briefly sum up the case for and against trams and trains to the airport. Trams have the benefit of being a flexible and very efficient form of public transport. Modern electric trams can service busy city streets, like buses, (‘street car’ mode), but can carry much more people (12,000 per hour) and in greater comfort (and more quietly) than diesel buses which can carry 2500 per hour. Trams can also perform like trains on their own dedicated corridors. But electric trains (commuter rail) carry even more people (48,000 per hour) and go even faster. This is not just due to the superior power of EMUs, train stations tend to be spaced between one to three kilometres apart whereas tram stops are spaced only 350 to 800m apart to service trams’ very high turnovers of passengers’. Trams on Dominion Road I am sure will be a great boon in the future for people and businesses in the Dominion Road area, but looking at it from the passengers’ point of view (often overlooked) for weary travellers and their baggage, keen on getting to the central city, multiple tram stops are not something one imagines many will appreciate. Even less so in the case of anxious outward bound travellers wanting to catch a plane. When I visited the Gold Coast last year to inspect their brand new tramway, the managers emphasised to me not to forget a key point - light rail means ‘mass transit’ - not ‘rapid transit’.

It’s an intriguing debate but it will need to be settled by next June when Auckland International Airport will be making key decisions regarding its second runway and new terminals. The stakeholder steering group of the multi-party airport rail planning process (which carries the hopeful acronym SMART) which I chair has recommended that a working party made up of technical experts from the key agencies and the airport company, work together to come up with the best option for Auckland and our vitally important international airport. I will keep you posted. (MIKE LEE)

Councillor for Waitemata and Gulf www.mikelee.co.nz

Mike Lee is the councillor for the Waitemata & Gulf ward and the council appointed chair of the SMART (Southwestern Multi-modal Airport Rapid Transit) Stakeholders Steering Group.

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