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The Ponsonby shop together with the seven other Hospice shops around Auckland have in the last financial year sold 328,600 items raising around $1.3 million to help fund hospice services for patients and their families, so valued within the community.

However, it is not just about money - the hospice shop provides a valuable neighbourhood hub where passionate volunteers have created a real sense of community connection.

At its helm you’ll find retail manager Brenda Valentine, who starting volunteering at the store when it first opened, jumping at the opportunity to give back to a cause that was close to her heart.

Brenda provides a friendly face that the store’s many regular shoppers have come to know well.

Volunteer Jan McCallum is one of many long-time volunteers who has worked at the Ponsonby shop for over nine years. Following the sudden death of her son 25 years ago, Jan, through her own journey, found she had a passion for helping people grieve.

“Helping people cope with grief is what Mercy Hospice does well. By volunteering I feel I’m able to help others too.”

Good quality donations are vital. If you have something you would like to donate, please call into the store or give Brenda a call.

The hospice shop provides ‘feel-good shopping’ and your ongoing support will help ensure vital hospice services continue for the next 10 years and beyond.

The shop is open from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm.

Ponsonby Mercy Hospice Shop, 300 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 5301, www.hospiceshops.org.nz

Pictured above: Celebrating Mercy Hospices’ Ponsonby store turning 10 are (left to right), Maria Baird, Sister Patrice, Brenda Valentine (Manager), Lynda Smith (former CEO Mercy Hospice), Annie Hurley

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