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We currently manage two sites, in buildings well over 100 years old (20 Ponsonby Terrace and the Leys Institute Hall, 20 St Marys Road) both with lots of character and amenities. If you have never visited before, please pop in and have a look around or email info@ponsonbycommunity.org.nz to set up a viewing appointment.
For the next few issues of Ponsonby News we are going to be profiling one of our spaces, including the people/places a lot of the rooms are named for.

This month’s space is the Gluepot Room - The Gluepot Tavern was Ponsonby’s most celebrated pub. Its name is thought to have been coined by local women whose husbands were routinely ‘stuck’ there drinking. In the 1970s it became a popular music venue, hosting well-known local bands such as Hello Sailor, Toy Love, and the Headless Chickens. Mick Jagger and Peter Garrett also played there. During his performance, Garrett leapt high into the air, knocking a hole in the ceiling with his head. In the mid-1990s the Gluepot was closed and converted into shops and apartments.

PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, T: 09 376 0896 or
T: 09 378 1752, www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz

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