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Local identity Teri Parat’s art exhibition @ Smyth Galleries

I enjoy the balance of two days midweek being my art days while I continue working in the fashion industry for the remainder of the week.

What artists do you identify with?
When I was first finding my way as an artist back in my 20s, I have to say I identified mostly with surrealism. I read everything I could find on surrealism, art and literature. I was totally fascinated and loved the surprise, the unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur.

My paintings entirely comprise portraiture these days - somewhere between surrealism/realism. I admire so many artists but the likes of Troy Brooks, Lori Earley and Afarin Sajedi are favourites.

What role does art play in society?
Art plays a huge role in our daily lives especially in how people can express their own individuality, creativity and feeling.

Art helps us communicate with one another, to find common ground in expressing ourselves. It also challenges us to constantly push boundaries and to break stereotypes.

What do you enjoy most about living and working locally?
I love the colour and vibrancy of Ponsonby. I have lived in the area for many, many years, raised my children here and just love the strong community feel of the place. I can't imagine a better environment from which to draw inspiration and creativity.

SMYTH GALLERIES, 41 Jervois Road, T: 09 360 6044, www.smythgalleries.co.nz

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