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Ponsonby Civic Space: The new civic space – November 2024 update

Ponsonby Civic Space: The new civic space – November 2024 update

We are delighted to report the development of the civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road is progressing extremely well, with significant progress being made daily.

Watching this happening through the viewing portholes has become a regular destination activity for many in the community. As the evenings lengthen and the weather improves, strolling along the strip to Ponsonby Park is already becoming an enjoyable routine. Seeing the new civic space emerge from an ugly and unloved site is exciting.

The anticipation is growing as we all look forward to its completion and being able to use and enjoy the new civic space. Bravo!

The new boundary fences have been completed and the neighbours are pleased with them. They are already proving effective in reducing (construction) noise and increasing security.

The retained canopy roof is currently being strengthened, with some remedial rust removal from the existing steel structure. The new roof framing with a layer of plywood will then be installed. This is where the photovoltaic panels that generate electricity from sunlight will be sited. It is planned that a digital display, showing the amount of energy the site is generating, will be a feature once the installation is completed. The sustainability ethos of the new civic space extends to both education and implementation, with the project seeking to be an exemplar in this area.

The repurposed toilet block has been delivered to the site and now the new internal fitout work will start. Then the recladding work that will cloak the structure with vertical wooden battens will follow. This is another sustainable repurposing of an existing asset.

The drainage and underground services are underway with some hefty pipework going in, along with the 4000-litre water tank that works for both detention and irrigation.

The foundations for the canopy stairs, ramp and deck are currently being formed with the concrete pour already scheduled to be well underway by the date of publication.

Three local schools have expressed an interest in establishing and looking after a community garden on the site. After the community-led design group advocated for this desired community outcome, the design group actively enabled this in the detailed design plans the Waitematā Local Board approved at their 20 February 2024 business meeting.

Local residents are supportive of this outcome, the well-established Sanctuary Mahi Whenua community garden has agreed to ‘umbrella’ the project, and the inimitable Boopsie Maran from ‘Places for Good’ is coordinating the initiative.

We had hoped to provide information about the Waitematā Local Board’s decision-making for this aspect, formally requested by a deputation at the 18 June 2024 WLB business meeting. Unfortunately, we’ve not yet received either confirmation of its approval or an explanation of reasons for not approving the plans we presented. We are following this up. Stay tuned!

But for now, the work on-site is finally realising the community’s aspiration for a world-class civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road with completion scheduled for April 2025. Very soon we will begin planning the opening celebrations. Exciting!

For more information or to contact the CLDG see our website: 254ponsonbyrd.org.nz or our Facebook pages: Ponsonby Park or 254 Ponsonby Road.


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