Happy Diwali! Thank you to those of you who’ve met with me in the last few weeks and to all Ponsonby News readers and locals for the important roles you play in our community.
Recently, I’ve met with residents in Westmere who have shared their views about local helicopter usage. I met with a group called Quiet Skies, who are particularly concerned about a current resource consent application for 28 weekly helicopter movements for a home in Rawene Avenue, Westmere. If granted, these helicopters will land over a public beach.
Quiet Skies has raised several impacts and potential risks that this would impose on both nearby residents and members of the public who use the beach. These include excess noise, effects on the endangered wildlife that inhabits the Coxs Bay mudflats, broader climate and ecological concerns and the safety of members of the public using space near helipads, such as walkers, paddle boarders, kite surfers, kayakers and swimmers.
Broadly, my position is that the sky is part of the commons and should be for enjoyment by all, and we should be cautious about granting private people rights that impact these spaces. I can also see merit in using existing alternatives, such as the heliport at Mechanics Bay.
It might be time to look at the rules in a more general way, such as how many helicopter movements are too many and whether environmental consequences and residents’ concerns are being considered sufficiently. One further issue is the safety of increased usage of the sky. For example, the tragic 2023 Gold Coast mid-air collision killed four people.
Recently, Auckland Council has decided to publicly notify the resource consent application concerning Rawene Avenue on the basis that effects on the environment were considered more than minor. This means that you can now have your say by submitting on the application (submissions close on 26 November, and can be made on the Auckland Council website).
Thank you to those who came to my meeting and participated in my survey about possible increased usage of Eden Park. Recently, the Government announced that the redevelopment of Eden Park is included in Schedule 2 of the Fast-Track Approvals Bill.
This means that if National’s bill passes, the Eden Park Trust can submit its redevelopment project to the Environmental Protection Authority panel, who can then refer it to an expert panel for approval. Items that could be greenlit include the development of a retractable roof, and the ability for the park to host a greater number of events. If this gets rejected by the panel, extra concerts may still be approved through the normal process.
As your local MP, I have been highly involved in working with those affected by Eden Park to develop a path forward for it to best serve our community. I’ve hosted and attended a public meeting, conducted a survey of local residents to hear their views and met with the Eden Park Trust, local iwi, local businesses and other stakeholders.
I have heard loud and clear that there’s a lot of support for increased usage of Eden Park, so long as factors like traffic management and parking are taken into account. Many have shared how their businesses are supported by events, and that they attend events and want stars like Taylor Swift to be able to perform here. Over 80 percent of 1041 residents near Eden Park support at least a doubling of the number of concerts held at the park.
Given the high level of engagement from local residents, I am disappointed that the Government is proceeding via their Fast-Track scheme, which will bypass the chance for you to have a say. I plan on doing what I can to keep you informed about how this will affect you, including possible changes like a retractable roof.
As always, please get in touch with me or my office if I can be of any assistance to you, your business or your community.
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