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Pardon Me Alan Turing...

The production is very intimate and well worth going to see. There were a few tears and loads of camp - the subject matter was all handled very well. On 6 July in New Zealand and 31 January 2017 in the UK, gay men were posthumously pardoned, but is it that easy? Is this what these men deserve? In this roller-coaster political comedy, the real question to be asked is, can the slate ever truly be wiped clean?

Why? They are too ashamed to apply and being guilty for so long, can the slate ever be truly wiped clean?

The production features an eccentric Alan Turing, a flamboyant Oscar Wilde and their modern day prince, as they meet across the centuries to ask if there can ever been justice. They are joined by a host of other colourful characters in this roller-coaster political comedy with bite.

The real questions to be asked though, is the law change the victory it seems? Is a pardon what these men deserve?

We loved all the fashion of the day, Margaret Howell would adore all of the tweed and the fair isle sweaters worn by the eccentric Alan Turing. This is an important part of British history done in a very credible way.

In the 70s I was invited to lunch in a red brick house in Tite Street, Chelsea - our friend had forgotten to tell us that Oscar Wild had once lived at this address. The blue plaque outside said it all. The great Oscar Wild and his dates of residence.

Directed by Patrick Graham, cast includes David Capstick (The Catch), Geoff Allen (Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Dark Knight) and Joseph Wycoff (This Giant Papier-Mache Boulder, Bombshell).

Pardon Me Alan Turing runs from 14 – 17 February at Samoa House, 283 Karangahape Road, Auckland and The Heyday Dome, BATS Theatre, Wellington. Tickets through iticket www.iticket.co.nz/events/2017/feb/pardon-me-alan-turing

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