One minute the January streets are empty, as every second person seems to head for the beach, and the next minute there’s a wonderful lively atmosphere going down as we all return with New Year goals on our minds.
People walking by are chatting in various foreign languages. The buskers are singing it up. The sun comes out and Auckland City feels like a great place to live.
Last weekend the Viaduct and Wynyard Quarter harbour edge was alive with those who came to watch the SailGP regatta happening on the inner Waitemata harbour. Our Kiwi boat, Black Foil, was competing against ten other big foiling yachts. A gusting easterly breeze lifted the excitement stakes, giving us all a sense of imminent catastrophe at every turn, but ultimately, it all went very well and everyone survived to sail another day.
Good on you, Auckland. It was a great spectacle, and it was good to see the cafés and bars busily doing their thing. Great to see an event like that bringing vitality to the city.
Rock the Vote NZ
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Photo: Dan Freemans, Unsplash
if only I’d known this was on……
if only I’d known this was on……